Union Bank Limited provides excellent client care through the joining of the most recent financial innovation and Shariah-based Product. This Bank was prevailing to open 36 new branches at different industrially significant areas including provincial zones. As per this bank vision and mission, they are making a decent attempt to give a range of administrations whether the customers are people, a little business visionary, or mechanical firms.
Union Bank representatives share typical security and a solid conviction that the essential standards of corporate administration, reasonableness, straightforwardness, responsibility, and obligation are applicable in all that they do.
Table of Contents
History of Union Bank Ltd.
Union Bank Limited, one of the main fourth generation banks in the area of private commercial banks of Bangladesh. This private commercial bank started its journey on the first April in 2013 with the point of ‘turning out to be socially dedicated a-list money related foundation’ and began its activity as a Shariah-based Bank in the private division on 20 May 2013 by opening Gulshan Branch with an approved capital of TK. 10000 Million. Settled up capital of TK.4280 million which is isolated into 428 million portions of TK.10 each. It delivers a wide range of business banking administrations in consistence with the Bank Companies Act, 1991.
Registered Name: Union Bank Limited
Founded: 2013
Type: Private Bank (Commercial)
Country: Bangladesh
Code: 265
If you need any information, you can contact officially Union Bank Limited. Here are the contact details:
Phone: +88029859313
E-mail: info@unionbank.com.bd
Website: www.unionbank.com.bd
Head Office
The head office of Bangladesh Union Bank Limited is situated in the Bahela Tower, 72, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan -1, Dhaka-1212
Union Bank Account Opening Details
If you are willing to open an account in Union Bank ltd, you need to know the things listed here. We tried to share all the information about how you possibly could open an account on Bangladesh Union Bank Limited.
- National ID Card/Birth Certificate
- Current valid Passport
- Birth Certificate
- Diving Licence
- Utility Bill Paper
Union Bank Account Types
Union Bank Limited offers many kinds of accounts that will help you to make the right decision about what type of accounts you want. Here are the details of the Union Bank Limited account system.
- Al Wadiah Current Deposit Accounts
- Mudaraba Savings Deposit Accounts (MSD)
- Mudaraba Term Deposit Accounts (MTD)
- Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit Accounts (MSND)
- Mudaraba No Frill Savings Account
Union Bank Loans
Union Bank has some different kinds of loans system, They offer Bai-Murabaha, pre-shipment, investment, etc. Check below for details.
Loan Products
- Bai-Murabaha
- Bai Istisna (Pre-Shipment Investment)
- Bai-Salam
- Bai-Muajjal Investment
- Quard Against MTDR
Loan Interest Rate
Union Bank loan interest rate is more than cheaper from the other commercial bank. The interest rate varies from 7% to 9%
Union Bank Deposits
Double Deposit Scheme is an uncommon sort of Fixed Deposit Account which turns store twofold in years. The target of the plan is to give the greatest advantage and appreciates profoundly serious benefit rates with this okay speculation.
Deposit Schemes
- Mudaraba Monthly Profit Scheme
- Mudaraba Double Benefit Deposit Scheme (Somriddhi)
- Mudaraba Millionaire Saving Scheme (Lackpoti)
- Mudaraba Crorepoty Saving Scheme
- Mudaraba Monthly Saving Scheme (Prerona)
- Mudaraba Pension Saving Scheme (Obolombon)
- Mudaraba Marriage Saving Scheme (Sohozatri)
- Mudaraba Hajj Saving Scheme
- Mudaraba Muhor Saving Scheme (Denmohor)
- Mudaraba Barakah Deposit Scheme
Union Bank Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Rate
The Fixed Deposit Receipt rate is not so different from others. The FDR interest rate of Union Bank is from 4% to 9.15% based on different types of deposits.
Other Service
There are some other services available of Union Bank:
- Foreign Remittance Service
- Utility Bill Payment Service
- Locker Service
- ATM Banking Service
- SMS Banking Service
- e-GP Service
- SWIFT Service
- Foreign Exchange Service
Union Bank Call Center
- Call at Hotline: +88-02-9859313, Ext: 345 Ext: 309 (ATM Purpose)
- Contact at info@unionbank.com.bd or atmcard@unionbank.com.bd (ATM purpose) or visit any nearest Branch.
Union Bank All Branches
There are complete 67 parts of Union Bank Limited arranged in 25 areas in Bangladesh. You may peruse the branches by locale or pick you’re close by branch legitimately from the rundown beneath. To know more info about Union Bank Branches CLICK HERE
Union Bank ATM Booths
There are a total of 21 ATM booths of Union Bank Limited located in 10 districts in Bangladesh. You may peruse the ATMs by regions or pick you’re close by stall straightforwardly from the rundown underneath. The following table of all Union Bank ATM stalls will assist you with having a specific corner address with area, region, and regions. To know more information about Union Bank ATMs CLICK HERE
Union Bank Routing
The bank routing number is a nine-digit ID number designated to budgetary foundations and this number perceives the specific cash related establishment whereupon a portion is drawn. This incredibly uncommon surprising code is delivered with the mix of 3 digits bank code, 2 digits district code, 3 digits branch code lastly 1 check digit. This number is similarly engraved on the base left of your bank check pages. To get more information about Union Bank limited routing number CLICK HERE
SWIFT Code of Union Bank
Union Bank head office SWIFT Code is UBLDBDDH. The first four letters UBLD is the bank code, and BD is the country code and ultimately, DH is the city code. On the off chance that you need another branch SWIFT code, follow that hypothesis.
Union Bank SWIFT Code is UBLDBDDH
Union Bank Currency Rate
The table below refers to the present currency exchange rates of Union Bank:
USD | 83.9500 | 84.9500 |
GBP | 109.0751 | 113.7540 |
EURO | 98.8500 | 103.6806 |
Our effort is to provide the best-related information that you need. I hope you have got it. Union Bank is working for improving innovation-based proficient financial conditions with a solid capital base. Their mission and vision if to turn out to be socially dedicated world-class financial institutions.