Looking for Dhaka Bank Branches in Moulvibazar district? If you are looking for this, then the article is beneficial to you. Here are discussed the branch of Dhaka Bank, which is situated in the Moulvibazar district. Dhaka Bank is a private commercial bank in Bangladesh. It contributes an important role in the development of the country. The bank has many branches all over Bangladesh. Now I will present here the branch’s total information situated in the Moulvibazar district.
Dhaka Bank Branches In Moulvibazar District
Moulvibazar is a financial district that is a part of the Sylhet division. Dhaka Bank franked only one branch in the Moulvibazar district. The name of the branch is the Moulvibazar branch. I have already presented here the branch’s detailed information below. To get the information, please pursue the article attentively until the end.
Moulvibazar Branch
- Branch Name: Moulvibazar Branch
- Address: SR Plaza, 1151/3 M Saifur Rahman Road, Paschim Bazar, Moulvibazar 3200
- Telephone: 0861 62173-74
- Fax: 0861 62175
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Routing Number: 085581186
- District: Moulvibazar
- Date of Opening: 12 December 2004
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