Are you looking for the SWIFT code of Union Bank? You are in the right place. Please read this article attentively. Union Bank head office SWIFT Code is UBLDBDDH. Initial fours letter is bank code, UBLD is bank code and BD is the country code and ultimately, DH is the city code. On the off chance that you need another branch SWIFT code, follow that hypothesis.
Union Bank Identified Code (BIC): UBLDBDDH
List of Branches having Bank Identifier Code (BIC)
Check the below table for more:
Branch | Zone | SWIFT Code |
Khatungonj Branch | Chittagong | UBLDBDDHKTB |
Dilkusha Branch | Dhaka | UBLDBDDHDIL |
Gulshan Branch | Dhaka | UBLDBDDHGUL |
Here we show Union Bank swift codes and all staff, to know more information about Union Bank limited information check out our the other post.
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