Maybe you are a user of Social Islami bank and you want to get detailed information of Social Islami Bank branches in Cox’s Bazar district, and so you are here to get all your desired information. Yes, you are at the right place. You will be able to get all the information that you are looking for. For detailed information, continue reading to the next.
Social Islami Bank Branches In Cox’s Bazar
In Coxe’s Bazar, the activities of the Social Islami Bank are very few. So there is only one branch of Social Islami Bank here. If you want to get the location as well as address, telephone number. swift code. routing number and so on information then read the following information carefully.
Cox’s Bazar Branch
- Branch Name: Cox’s Bazar Branch
- Address: Evan Plaza, Thana Road, Cox’s Bazar
- Telephone: 0341 51822, 51968
- Branch Code: 025
- Routing Number: 195220258
- District: Cox’s Bazar
- Date of Opening: 20 August 2009
I hope this is the best article written about the topic. All the information is authentic by which you will be able to make proper use of it. If you need more information about any bank-related information then visit the site again. Thank you.