Eastern Bank Limited is one of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Every bank branch has a SWIFT code. There are almost 16 branch SWIFT codes of the bank in different districts. Most of them are located in the Dhaka division. SWIFTÂ code is known as a security code which used for bank operates. In the code, there have almost 11 different letters and may have three digits. The first three characters are known as the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) and the last three characters are the SWIFT codes. The BIC of the bank is EBLDBDDH. Here are all SWIFT codes of the bank in the list below. Please follow the list and take out the code which you need.
EBL Bank Identifier Code: EBLDBDDH
List of Branches having Bank Identifier Code (BIC)
Branch | Zone | SWIFT Code |
Head Office Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH001 |
Principal Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH002 |
Motijheel Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH005 |
Gulshan Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH011 |
Mirpur Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH021 |
Dhanmondi Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH017 |
Sonargaon Road Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH014 |
English Road Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH007 |
Chawk Mughultuly Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH013 |
Uttara Branch | Dhaka | EBLDBDDH022 |
Bogura SME Branch | Bogra | EBLDBDDH018 |
Rajshahi SME Branch | Rajshahi | EBLDBDDH016 |
Jashore SME Branch | Jessore | EBLDBDDH010 |
Khulna SME Branch | Khulna | EBLDBDDH004 |
Moulvi Bazar SME Branch | Moulvibazar | EBLDBDDH009 |
Chouhatta SME Branch | Sylhet | EBLDBDDH020 |
It is the list, where is given all the branch SWIFT codes of Eastern Bank Limited. I hope that you collected the quested SWIFT code which you needed from the list. To know more information, write a comment in the comment box. Thank you for remaining with me in a long run.
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what is the swift code of progoti sharani branch?