BASIC Bank Branch Routing Numbers

BASIC Bank is known as Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited which is started its journey in 1989, headquarters in Dhaka. The bank plays a significant role in the country. There are untied a lot of branches of the bank in all parts of Bangladesh. Each bank has a routing number for security. If you find the branch routing numbers of the bank, please follow the chart which I have given below.

BASIC Bank All Branch Routing Numbers

A routing number is known as an identification number that identifies any specific economical institution or organization. There have a total of 9 digits in the numbers whose first 3 digits identify bank code, then 2 digits allude district code, afterward, three digits indicate branch code, and the final digit is the check code. I have made the list below with all the branch routing numbers with branch names, and zones. Please follow the list to get the numbers.

I hope that I presented here all the branch routing numbers of BASIC Bank Limited on the list and you got the numbers. Besides, if you want to know any more information about the bank or other banks, please scribe a comment or visit our other pages.

Bangladeshi Bank

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